Spielberg Gets Kids Shmoozing in Yiddish

Yiddish will be integrated into Jewish Day School curricula at three Los Angeles area schools thanks to gelt from the Spielberg Righteous Persons Foundation. That is good news for Jewish kids who have been denied access to Yiddish by generations that viewed Yiddish as the language of the old country, of backwards, superstitious, Fiddler-On-The-Roof kind of Jews and Judiasm.

What lacks in this article in the LA Times is any acknowledgment as to why Yiddish was not taught to generations of assimilating Jewry, and the great prejudice faced by religious Jews in America that continued to keep Yiddish alive and well.

In addition, there is no mention of the tens of thousands of children in the USAZ that study in Yiddish in religious schools in the USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Israel, and elsewhere.

The moral of the story: No one likes to admit they made a mistake, least of all those that were responsible for removing the need for Yiddish, which directly caused the loss of Yiddish amongst the masses of Ashkenzi Jews.

Posted on July 18, 2005, in Judaism. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

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